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Email : nur_iman_nasyita_mohtar@moe.edu.sg lee_lea_khoon@moe.edu.sg

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Welcome to Siglap 3A1 Class Blog! Keep up with the latest school and class happenings here. Looking forward to another wonderful year!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Performance Task 4 March

Good morning everyone!

Idrees is sick so I need to look after him today. So I would need you to use this time to complete your Maths Performance Task. Refer to the previous posting on the performance task.
Your group is to decide on a topic. You could include videos, relevant Maths sites on the topics, etc. Don't forget to write down the names of people in your group.Please email me your glogster website by 9.30 am today. Please use my yahoo email on starbonita22@yahoo.com.sg.
I may be at the clinic by then but will be checking your sites on my blackberry. It allows me to receive email alerts from my yahoo account so I will know who have and have not carried out the performance task. Email me even if you have not fully completed it but I need to see at least 3/4 of the work done.That's the wonder of technology..woo hoo! I know it's due on 12 March but I know you people well enough...hmmm. It's good to get it done now so you do not have to rush next week.

Anyway, I gotta rush. My son has started throwing things around...

Thank you for your kind understanding and co-operation.
Take care and have a good day!

Mdm N